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About Us

Who Is Lola? 

I am Lola, "Lauren" Layton. I am just an ordinary, short, curvy, farming, yoga girl with one tattoo that reads "Just Keep Swimming."  I am married to my best friend and favorite farmer and we have  2 fur babies "Gizmo" and "Homer."

My journey for wellness began in 2013 when my mom, "Dory," was diagnosed with stage 4 bile duct cancer. She was more than just a mom, she was my best friend. At this time my doctor gave me the option of anti-depressants or yoga. 

Well I chose yoga, and attended my first "Ashtanga" class where all my misconceptions of yoga went out the window, as sweat dripped down my face. I stuck with it, not only because I was determined, but because it gave me a mental escape for an hour each day.

In 2014, after a courageous fight, cancer won and I lost my mom, but I stuck with yoga to find the "new me." Through many trials and tribulations I began teaching yoga. I knew I could teach because I was a veteran elementary school teacher of 10 years. I wanted to submerge myself in the yoga lifestyle and atmosphere so much so that I flew to Costa Rica in May of 2019 and became a Certified Yoga Teacher (RYT200). 

Along the way I was introduced to "essential oils." I slowly became interested and needless to say they have consumed our lives for the positive. We, the humans, and our fur babies, use essential oils Topically, Aromatically, and Internally daily. So of course, I became a Doterra Wellness Advocate in March 2017 and I am a part of supportive and amazing team. 

To top it off, as if I wasn't busy enough, I joined our local CrossFit gym to do the "ladies challenge." It is here where I was taught how to count macros and become aware of my nutrition. My love for food and this new knowledge allowed me to share delicious, health conscious food choices.  

Through this roller coaster of events, I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin. But, I am a girl, who not only wants to look good, but also feel good. In 2019 I found ZYIA, a fitness / active leisurewear clothing brand that focuses on a good fit for "all sizes" even "curvy" girls. I fell in love with the brand. I enjoy teaching yoga, traveling, lounging, and even farming while sportin' my ZYIA active wear!


As my journey continues I believe it is important to help educate and share with others the importance of our famers. I grew up in a farming family, but never took much interest until I met my hubby. We spends weekends checking fields, picking produce, and hours upon hours of education. I support farmers and enjoy adding this to my wellness journey! Check out our farming website  

Therefore, I was born with curves and a slow metabolism, but I am beautiful inside and out. Let me help you take control of your life both physically and emotionally to live your best life. We all have a great story to tell and who better to share it with than your "tribe." 

Join "My Tribe" and "Stay Oily."  

Yoga with Lola

Yoga with Lola

Be Fabulous
in Your ZYIA

If you are looking for the perfect active leisure wear for every activity and all sizes? 

STOP! You have found the right place! Zyia offers sizes from 0-22 for Men, Women, and Children.

You should always feel and look your best! These leggings will lift that booty, and give you that natural tummy tuck! 

Let's Get Shopping!

There is An Oil
For That

YES! There is an oil for that! Have you heard of Essential Oils or used them? 

I am happy to help you fix any ailment, issues, etc... with a natural remedy.

Let's Connect!

Email me, Message Me, Call Me. 

Essential Oils are the ancient way of healing and they WORKED! 

Doterra is a debt free company, that has strived to extract natural oils from plants in the purest from possible for you to use daily.

Are you ready to start your oil journey with me? 

Yoga With Lola

Are you ready to best the best version of you: Physically and Mentally?

Whether you want to become more VIBRANT physically and mentally, INCLUSIVE in your self awareness and self love, BALANCED in your everyday life both physically and mentally, and/or more ENERGIZED in everything you do, then this the Class for YOU! You don’t have to give up all your favorites to live your best life. You have to find a balance! 


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